Ru (茹)

Hey there, have you ever had the pleasure of encountering a stunning young Chinese escort, hailing from the magical city of Shanghai? We pride ourselves on being a part of a luxurious, elite group of ladies from the Eastern world who call London’s upscale Belgravia neighborhood home. As you’d come to expect, we exude youthful energy and exotically captivating beauty, with our sultry brown hair and exceptional charm.

Those who have the privilege of experiencing our touch are always left in awe by our delicately honed professional skills. As one of the few private masseuses specializing in a combination of high-class erotic and prostate massages, we never cease to amaze. With one look at your eyes, you’ll know you’ve met an exotic gem like no other, one that is poised to fulfill your deepest desires and needs.

Allow us to tantalize you with a sensual touch like no other. Our beautifully orchestrated massages seep into your skin as we rub the wonders of our beautiful chests down your back and between your legs. Sensuality and heat caress your skin, seeping into your pores with every massage stroke. Imagine the intoxicating vibes that radiate from our caresses, and then allow your wildest fantasies to come to fruition.

Contact us now to set up an appointment for a sultry rendezvous at our private apartment or for a delightful, intimate outcall visit to your chosen location, be it a hotel or the comfort of your own home. Engage in a high-end, exotic experience with the young Asian escort from London who will be the envy of your dreams for weeks to come. Savor every passionate moment with RU, the irresistibly alluring Chinese muse.

Call or Text 07418372011
Ru (茹)
Languages Spoken:
English & Chinese
Hair Colour:
Eye Colour:
Vital Stats:
5ft 7in
Incall Location:
Belgravia SW1X
Outcalls Covering: London homes,hotels + Heathrow
30 Min Incall:
1 Hour Incall:
1 Hour Outcall:
Additional Hours:
Overnight Rate:

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