Kyung-mi (경미)

Meet Kyung-mi, the exquisite, young Korean escort from the beautiful shores of Jeju Island. With her captivating brown eyes and hair, she will leave you mesmerized and craving for more. At the tender age of 28, she is the best-kept secret in the London area of Piccadilly and will tantalize your senses with not just her beauty, but also her skilled touch.

As she welcomes you into her sleek apartment, the air around you will be charged with anticipation and desire. Her eyes will slowly undress you as she awaits your every command. With the grace of a goddess and the sensuality of your wildest dreams, she will fulfill all your desires with a gentle touch or a dominating presence, depending on your whims.

As she uncovers her slender body, her inner glow will ignite a fiery passion within you. Her supple touch and skilled hands will guide you through uncharted territories and unlock the inner sanctum of your desires. With her mastery of Tantric Massage, Kyung-mi will whisk you away on a journey of pure ecstasy that will leave you craving for more.

Allow this oriental escort to unleash a world of untamed pleasure and unbridled passion. With her youthful spirit and captivating beauty, you’ll never want the experience to end. So, why wait? Indulge in the forbidden pleasures with the irresistible Korean temptress of Piccadilly.

Call or Text 07418372011
Kyung-mi (경미)
Jeju Island
Languages Spoken:
English & Korean
Hair Colour:
Eye Colour:
Vital Stats:
5ft 6in
Incall Location:
Piccadilly W1J
Outcalls Covering: London homes,hotels + Heathrow
30 Min Incall:
1 Hour Incall:
1 Hour Outcall:
Additional Hours:
Overnight Rate:

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