Se-mi (세미)

Se-mi, the delectable Korean babe, entices you with a unique sultry twist on your fantasy in the coveted London Soho. As a 36-year-old goddess hailing from the heart of Seoul, her ethnicity and style set her apart from other escorts. Operating from her luxurious apartment, she’s an enigmatic figure that’s challenging London’s tantric massage scene. Not only is she known for her mature wisdom, she is also a dancer of lithe grace, capable of providing a delectable variety of services.

Her natural chocolate brown hair and slim curves are known to ignite unforgettable encounters, leaving an undeniable impact on all who cross her path. With a soft, alluring voice, Se-mi is ready to offer you a bewildering experience in her tantric chambers. Be prepared to explore ancient techniques paired with a luxurious, sensual encounter that’ll transform you with an unparalleled level of bliss.

You’ll be captivated by Se-mi’s undeniable charm, and the magnetic power she wields will have you hooked to the end of your visit. Don’t let this exclusive opportunity slip through your fingers – book your session with the peerless Se-mi, and let her bring your wildest fantasies to life. Open your senses and embrace the magic of a memorable experience that is connected to the heart of her homeland. Don’t dally- if you’ve ever dreamt about spending a day in the company of an alluring, kinky Oriental a-level escort in London, the time is now.

Call or Text 07418372011
Se-mi (세미)
Languages Spoken:
English & Korean
Hair Colour:
Eye Colour:
Vital Stats:
5ft 7in
Incall Location:
Soho W1D
Outcalls Covering: London homes,hotels + Heathrow
30 Min Incall:
1 Hour Incall:
1 Hour Outcall:
Additional Hours:
Overnight Rate:

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