Anzu (杏)

Prepare to have your senses overwhelmed as I introduce Anzu, the envy of every man’s desires. This stunning Japanese escort, hailing from the captivating region of Hiroshima, is a true rarity- a mature beauty at 39, with a voluptuous behind that will leave you in awe. She’s not your average Japanese escort- she’s a master of her craft, with a sensitive touch that’s made all the more enticing due to her extensive training in the art of sensual massage.

But what makes Anzu truly unique is her allure. She radiates a quiet confidence that’s both captivating and intoxicating, with a warm demeanor that’s made all the more magnetic by her dramatic brown hair.

Anzu is not just a Mature masseuse, however- she’s also a Slim stunner who takes great pride in her health and fitness. She’s the perfect match for any man seeking a seductive partner, one who can help him unwind and find release in the most intimate of circumstances.

At her London apartment in Marylebone, Anzu davids into a world of pleasure and indulgence. Her prostate massage services have already earned her a loyal following among the men who know her best, as their secrets are tenderly nourished and cherished by her skilled touch.

Anzu’s dramatic heritage, combined with her alluring appearance and enviable physique, make her unlike any Japanese escort you’ve ever encountered. She radiates innocence and purity, even as she davids shamelessly into the world of pleasures- drawing you further into her spellbinding aura.

Indulge yourself in her sweet, innocent charms, or tease her shy side until she reveals her true boldness. Whatever your desires, Anzu will treat you like the fortunate man you are, and leave you craving more.

Truly, there has never been a Japanese escort quite like Anzu- come experience the magic for yourself, and see what makes her stand out in a sea of wannabes.

Call or Text 07418372011
Anzu (杏)
Languages Spoken:
English & Japanese
Hair Colour:
Eye Colour:
Vital Stats:
5ft 10in
Incall Location:
Marylebone W1U
Outcalls Covering: London homes,hotels + Heathrow
30 Min Incall:
1 Hour Incall:
1 Hour Outcall:
Additional Hours:
Overnight Rate:

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