
As an experienced and adventurous Oriental escort, I must admit, London has been a delightful surprise for me. Being from the bustling city of Chengdu, London provides a perfect blend of exhilarating experiences and fine dining. I’m Sophie, a 29 year-old beauty with a penchant for the finer things in life.

My hair is as black as my cat, and my figure is curvaceous like the Great Wall. I also happen to be quite the skilled masseuse. However, unlike your average masseuse, I specialize in Tantric massage, a truly life-changing experience that combines sensual touch with spiritual awakening.

As they say, variety is the spice of life, and I’m here to add some spice to your life. If you’re seeking something that’s far from ordinary, I’m the one to call. You won’t be forgetting our rendezvous anytime soon, I assure you.

Just like my underwear and swimwear, you can choose to wear me however you desire. If you prefer staying in, I’ll be more than happy to entertain you in the privacy of your apartment in the trendy Chelsea area. Or, if you’d like to take me out for a sumptuous meal before we make our way to a private location, the choice is entirely yours. All I ask is that you call me for reservations and let me know your preferences. I’m here to cater to your fantasies and make them a reality.

Remember, a life without excitement is like a cup without juice. Don’t be shy, let me be the sip of your life. Chin chin!

Call or Text 07418372011
Languages Spoken:
English & Chinese
Hair Colour:
Eye Colour:
Vital Stats:
5ft 9in
Incall Location:
Chelsea SW3
Outcalls Covering: London homes,hotels + Heathrow
30 Min Incall:
1 Hour Incall:
1 Hour Outcall:
Additional Hours:
Overnight Rate:

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