Yan (燕)

Allow me to introduce the irresistible Yan – a captivating Chinese beauty hailing from the vibrant city of Chengdu. Her sultry gaze and alluring figure will leave you spellbound as she invites you into her cozy abode nestled in the heart of Russell Square. But Yan is not just any ordinary mature escort – she’s a stunner with a heart-stopping bust and an unmatched expertise in pleasuring both men and women.

As you step inside her sanctuary, the aroma of exotic incense fills your senses, instantly transporting you to a world of indulgence and sensuality. Yan beckons you with a sly smile, her eyes sparkling with desire as she leads you to the plush bed adorned with silk sheets. She whispers sweet nothings in your ear, her voice a seductive melody that sends shivers down your spine.

But Yan is not content with just pleasing you alone – she’s a true connoisseur of carnal delights and often invites another Oriental beauty to join the party. Together, they weave a web of passion and pleasure that will leave you breathless. Watch as Yan’s supple hands explore every inch of your body, leaving you quivering with ecstasy. And as the other Oriental vixen takes her turn, you can’t help but surrender to their tantalizing touch.

But Yan’s talents go beyond mere physical pleasure – she’s a true companion, always eager to listen to your stories and share her own. Her years of experience have taught her the art of conversation, making her the perfect partner for any occasion. Whether it’s a night of passion or a simple dinner date, Yan will ensure that you’re left wanting more.

So why wait? Book a date with Chinese escort Yan today and experience the ultimate in Oriental pleasure. Trust us, you won’t regret it.

Call or Text 07418372011
Yan (燕)
Languages Spoken:
English & Chinese
Hair Colour:
Eye Colour:
Vital Stats:
5ft 6in
Incall Location:
Russell Square WC1B
Outcalls Covering: London homes,hotels + Heathrow
30 Min Incall:
1 Hour Incall:
1 Hour Outcall:
Additional Hours:
Overnight Rate:

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