Mina (美奈)

Welcome to your delightful Japanese adventure with Mina, our irresistibly charming courtesan from the hallowed halls of Kyoto. This ravishing Japanese escort in London, located in the posh Kensington area, is not just beautiful; she’s an experience that transcends both time and space.

Experience with Mina as she tantalizes your senses with her intoxicating charisma, and indulge in the art of sensual pleasure as you savour her sweet, passionate touch. She is indeed the ultimate Japanese girlfriend experience escort, and you will surely want to linger in her company all night long.

With every stroke of Mina’s expert hands, you will experience a level of satisfaction that transcends the ordinary. Watch as she teases your desires into ecstasy, her lustful gaze and sensuous movements serving as an intoxicating prelude to the intimacy that lies ahead.

Mina is a charming whisper, a dose of seductive magic that you will find impossible to resist. She stands at a petite 27-year-old, with a slim, supple figure and lips made for kissing. Her hair of lustrous brown hair cascade down her back, their allure amplifying her irresistible charm.

And as an expert masseuse in Kensington, she offers her clients a seductive array of services, each one tailored to your deepest desires. She will take you on a journey of sensual pleasure, her skills at your disposal for an experience that is nothing short of heavenly delight.

Call or Text 07418372011
Mina (美奈)
Languages Spoken:
English & Japanese
Hair Colour:
Eye Colour:
Vital Stats:
5ft 8in
Incall Location:
Kensington W8
Outcalls Covering: London homes,hotels + Heathrow
30 Min Incall:
1 Hour Incall:
1 Hour Outcall:
Additional Hours:
Overnight Rate:

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