Ami (亜美)

Meet Ami, a true seductress hailing from the enchanting region of Shizuoka, Japan. Now residing in the heart of London’s Green Park, she’s ready to bring an unforgettable experience to your doorstep. With her petite frame, mesmerizing brown hair, and a youthful glow that’s sure to captivate you, Ami is the ultimate Japanese escort to indulgence for your senses.

At 26 years old, she’s not just a masseuse—she’s a master of Tantric massage, skillfully weaving ancient techniques with modern sensuality to leave you breathless. Her nimble hands glide over your body with expertise, coaxing pleasure from deep within your core.

Ami is an intriguing mixture of innocence and naughtiness, leaving you eager for more. As a student, she’s not just book-smart, but street-smart as well, knowing exactly how to cater to her clients’ desires. Indulge in her company, and witness her transform into your naughty schoolgirl fantasy.

So, why wait? Book your date with Ami and prepare to be swept away by her irresistible charm and explosive sensual energy. Allow her to transport you to a realm of unmatched pleasure, where fantasy meets reality in the most exquisite of unions.

Call or Text 07418372011
Ami (亜美)
Languages Spoken:
English & Japanese
Hair Colour:
Eye Colour:
Vital Stats:
5ft 7in
Incall Location:
Green Park W1J
Outcalls Covering: London homes,hotels + Heathrow
30 Min Incall:
1 Hour Incall:
1 Hour Outcall:
Additional Hours:
Overnight Rate:

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